This Blog is focused on writing and writers. Every author is welcomed here. Share your stories, your ideas, tips, muses or even your cover on your upcoming release.

But we’re going to do it in an organized manner. This is how:

All About You!

This is just what is sounds like. This is about you—the author. Tells about yourself. How and when did you get into this crazy field? What was your journey like? How do you inspire others? Who inspires you?

Shameless Plug

Okay, this is where you can make your largest work shine! Get your name out there, if you’re new, or let your already mass following know you have another story coming out!
Here you will post your blurb, excerpt and cover. If your book is not due at the time of posting, that’s okay, we’ll have a link to your blog for when that time comes. If it’s out, we’ll have the buy link ready for your fans to go purchase your latest masterpiece.

Day In The Life…..

Tell us what it’s like to be an author. What are the highs and lows? Where does your inspirations come from? How do you deal with writer’s block? Tell us about how you get through the editing phase (Ewww!). How do you promote and market your work? In other words, give us the low down!

We’ll have something new at least once a week. We’ll also have contests. And of course I will announce my latest works and WIPs too.

So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride!